Chocolates get eaten, flowers die and perfumes run out, but there are some gifts that are going to last forever. If you really don´t want that your gift becomes just a vague memory after a while then you must buy something that will be around forever as a reminder of a great Valentine´s Day. So if you are romantic and believe that your love is going to last forever then you will have no problem to buy or create something that will be a statement of your eternal love.
For these gifts you have to be more creative and think outside of the box. You can gift a certain piece of art, which does not have to be even made by famous artist; it can be made by you, something that will be a representation of your love and relationship. These pieces are going to last forever, no matter if you decide for wall art or a sculpture there is a good chance that this item will enjoy certain benefits, be placed in special place and taken care of.
However, if you are good with words and able to romantically express your emotions write her a poem. This may seem a cliché, but a cliché she has only seen in movies. Not all of us are so talented in real life. Moreover, your manuscript can be framed and hanged on the walls of your bedroom to be reminder for both of you. Jewellery is always option, and there is a famous song which says “Diamonds are forever”. Then again, not everyone is in position to buy diamonds no matter how much he loves his wife or girlfriend. Therefore, we will observe this jewellery topic and try to stay on budget.
After diamonds, there are pearls that state the women´s elegance. Pearls are classical item that every woman will enjoy wearing. Every pearl is unique in its own way, as well as your significant other, and by giving pearls you acknowledge that she is special. However, designers´ jewellery that includes pearls are very expensive and the prices go up to $6,000 or $7,000. For example, most affordable Kailis´ pearls are stud earrings from Australian South Sea pearls for $350. However, freshwater pearls which are also unique and beautiful can be affordable. Therefore, you can find Single Necklace with white freshwater pearls for $69 even though their regular price is around $300.
The Eternity Rose Pendant
There are lovely heart-shaped pendants with genuine rose by the Eternity Rose. That is correct. This beautiful item includes genuine rose that will to last forever. Roses available in five colours are grown in special conditions to a particular, miniature size, later they are preserved, glazed with special transparent layer and trimmed with gold and adorned with lovely, sparkly stones. This amazing pendant with 24 karat gold costs $79, and you can buy it in two versions – heart and leaf theme. There is no better way to express eternal love, if it is not diamond, let it be a genuine rose dipped in gold.
Pink Sparkling Love Stud Earrings
Still not diamonds, but close! Pandora lately came though the big door of jewellery industry and it offers various personalized items that every woman will love. However, we found a perfect item for the Valentine´s Day gift. These lovely hand-finished Pandora earrings with stunning hearts glittering with clear and pink cubic are perfectly able to mimic the purpose of diamonds. They have the stone; they have the heart, and will last as long as your love – forever! The price is around $118 which is affordable for something this beautiful.
Even though very small, diamonds are diamonds! We are sure that every woman will love this ring because of it is simple but interesting at the same time. Double infinity sign intertwined ring adorned with 4 small diamonds is something that screams eternity. If this is what you really want for your relationship, after engagement and wedding ring this is the right option to express it. You will certainly surprise your wife with this lovely ring that once again symbolises your love for her. This ring costs around $135.
Piece of jewellery is something that fits every time and on every occasion. Most women love jewellery, and if your wife is not one of them you can certainly find something for her too. The Eternity Rose offers genuine roses which are glazed or trimmed with gold. These real roses are available in 13 colours; they are perfectly glazed and preserved, and further edged with fine 24 karat gold. This will be the item that your wife will love, it will be the special item in your guest room or in her office, to show everyone what your love really looks like – eternal rose!
Make this Valentine´s Day special, and show your love with these simple and stunning items.